Children Books

By Luisette D.C. Kraal

Riba Kaya

ku Hamber

Children Book

Djamal ta slo un tiki pa e kue rosea. Binchi ta sigui kore yen spit bai lag’é. Un hòmber gordo, kara rondó, kòrá kòrá ta kore su tras. Djamal ta slo nèt nèt pa e hòmber kore yega serka i saka su man pa gara Djamal i Djamal ta bùk, skùif, i kore bai lag’é. No tin nada ku e hòmber por hasi. E muchanan ta muchu mas lihé kuné! Binchi ta kore bai, para na un distansia i saka su lenga. Den e buki aki, Riba Kaya ku Hamber bo por lesa e historia di Djamal i Binchi ku semper tin hamber i ta hasi tur loke nan por pa hòrta of haña kuminda.

By Luisette D.C. Kraal

Un Biahe Largu 

Di Babilonia pa Israel;

Un Kaminda Largu

Children Book

Despues di hopi tempu di plania, un grupo di 50.000 hende, nan animalnan i tur nan pertenensianan a sali na pia for di Babilonia, i a sigui nan biahe krusando banda di un riu, den serunan i den sabana. Tabata un biahe ku hopi aventura, kalor, difikultatnan pa haña kuminda, i awa. Pero tur esaki tabata nada, ora ku nan a realisá ku ladronnan tabata purba hòrta nan bestianan den anochi. Despues di hopi tempu di plania, un grupo di 50.000 hende, nan animalnan i tur nan pertenensianan a sali na pia for di Babilonia, i a sigui nan biahe krusando banda di un riu, den serunan i den sabana. Tabata un biahe ku hopi aventura, kalor, difikultatnan pa haña kuminda, i awa. Pero tur esaki tabata nada, ora ku nan a realisá ku ladronnan tabata purba hòrta nan bestianan den anochi.
Nebo i su famia ku tur e hendenan lo por logra yega Israel un dia? Ladronnan lo hòrta nan buriku, kamel i kabainan den anochi? Lesa e buki aki pa bo sa mas tokante di e pueblo di Dios i e tera primintí.

By Luisette D.C. Kraal

Hopper Needs Clean Water

Children Book

What happens to Hopper when he jumps into dirty water in the pond?

Which friends will come to help him?

What are all those red bumps on Hopper’s arm?

And what will happen to the naughty children?

By Luisette D.C. Kraal

The Tale of the days 

The King Has Made

Children Book

When God used his words a lot of things happened. Read this book to know how God made tigers, lions, flowers, the beach, trees, and people in just six days!

By Luisette D.C. Kraal

Así comenzó La Creación

Children Book

Cuando Dios usó sus palabras sucedieron muchas cosas. Lea este libro para saber cómo Dios hizo los tigres. leones, flores, la playa, árboles y personas en sólo seis días!

By Luisette D.C. Kraal

The Farmer

who Lost his Sheep

Children Book

Something is going on. The sheep Mia is missing! The farmer used to have 100 sheep, and now he only counted 99. Where was Mia? The farmer set out to find her. She could be lost and scared! Sir Francis, the dog, helped to look. Pepper, the cat, helped to look. Polly, the pig, helped to look. Lambchop, the horse, helped to look. Lilly, the chicken, helped to look.

Do you think they will find her?

By Luisette D.C. Kraal

The Tale of the

House on the Rock 

Children Book

When Tom and Bill had to build a house they had a lot to consider. Did they want a slide or porch? And where would this house come? In this book you will read all about that. You will find out how they decided to build a house and how it went with them.

By Luisette D.C. Kraal


The Tale of the

Camel and Eye of a Needle


Children Book

Getting into the Great City is proving to be way more complicated than the camel had planned.

Instead of striding in and showing up his beauty and magnificent goods, he had to follow his small helper’s instructions to wiggle through a small gate that they called the Eye of a Needle. Will the camel be able to get in? Does he have what it takes?

By Luisette D.C. Kraal

Jonah in the

Smelly Belly of the Fish

Children Book

How far can one run away from God?

Jonah was trying to figure out how far he could go. God sent him to Nineveh as a preacher, but he refused to listen.

Instead, he found himself in the smelly belly of a big fish. What happens next? Does Jonah live? Does he learn to obey God? Read this story to find out more!

By Luisette D.C. Kraal



Children puzzle Book

In this puzzle book you will find some puzzles for each day of the creation story!

By Luisette D.C. Kraal

Todo Loque el Rey Creó

Children coloring Book

A fun coloring book based on chapter 1 in the book of Genesis.  The creation week.

By Luisette D.C. Kraal

Riba Kaya


Riba Kaya ta un buki ku ta trata di dos hoben bibando na Korsou riba kaya. Nan ta horta, atraka te ora nan konose Mener Roy.

By Luisette D.C. Kraal

Riba Kaya


“Kore kore! …Abo bai pabou…, ami ta pasa di patras.” Miéntras e promé figura ta kore duru bai pèrdè den un hanchi skur e ta grita: “Na unda nos ta topa?” “Chin” e kontesta ta bin di e direkshon kontrali. Esei ta e último palabranan promé ku tur dos figura skur, disparsé den anochi. Zonido pisá di pia, i un rosea hanshá ta trata na pèrsiguí nan. Kachónan ta blaf sin miserikòrdia. Skuridat ta skonde e dos suhetonan. Niun hende no ta mira nan mas. Nubia ta tapa e tiki luna ku tin. Hanshá, sodá i rabiá un hòmber ta keda para na kuminsamentu di e kaya smal, skur i sushi kaminda el a mira e último suheto disparsé aden. Drenta òf nò? Kòrda e malechor ta skondé tras di kualke barí òf muraya ku un palu kla pa batié!? Ku duele e ta pensa riba su pòtmòni ku 200 florin aden. Ken a mand’é bin den e bario. skur aki? E ta disidí di bèl polis ounke ku e sa ku nan lo no por hasi nada. E no a mira ken a atrak’é i e lo no por duna un deskripshon. Solamente e sa ku nan tabata dos. Nèt ora e bira pa bai su outo bèk e ta mira ku su rabu di wowo su pòtmòni bentá kantu di kaya. E ta bula riba dje. Manera el a pensa, e pòtmòni no tin e sèn aden. Su sèn a disparsé. Aliviá e ta konstatá ku su reibeweis, papelnan i sédula si t’ei ainda… Hopi leu for di dje e dos amigunan atrakadó ta topa otro. Nan ta sinta riba stupi di un restorant chines den nan mes bario. “Kuantu sèn nos a gana?” Esun delegá, koló kòrá ta puntra e otro. “Lagami konta…” Esun mas skur ta bisa. “Nos tin 200 florin.” “Laga nos kita for di dje promé ku nan yega. Duna mi 100 florin pa mi warda.” Esun koló skur ta tuma e papel di 100 florin, dobl’é chikí chikí i hink’é den su boka, na su banda di kara. Di e forma aki e ta sigurá e sèn pa niun hende no hòrt’é. No ta e promé bia ku nan ta pèrdè nan botin. Nan a bira sabí. “Ban…ban…ata nan ta bin.” E malechor delegà ta bisa hanshá. “Nò, mi ke kome, mi no a kome awe ainda.” E otro ta bisa. “Pero nos ta pèrdè tur e sèn si nan haña nos! Ban!” Ku urgensia esun delegá ta ranka su amigu na su man. Kontra di su boluntat su amigu ta komplasé. Nan ta kore drenta mondi, sali na e otro banda i buska un otro chines pa nan kumpra un kuminda. Despues di kome diferente pia di galiña ku batata den sous i bebe un serbes nan ta lèn kontra di un palu. Ha, barika yen ta un bon kos. Ni un minüt nan no ta pensa riba doño di e sèn ku nan a hòrta.

By Luisette D.C. Kraal


Advent Prayers for Kids


Children Book

Why is a Christmas children’s rhyming prayer book decorated with fishes? The fish (ichthys) historically was a symbol for Christians to meet in a safe place.


In the Romans’ times, the church was persecuted; that is the word we use to say that the police would take the Christians to prison because it was against the law to pray to Jesus.

When Christians wanted to pray in a group, they used this symbol so other Christians would know where to look for other believers and find people to pray with but still be safe.

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